Yesterday a senior SEBI official addressed the investor population in Chennai. A friend of mine called and discussed with me about the things that the regulator can do from the investor point of view. We have discussed this issue many times earlier. Nevertheless we spent some time on the same subject.
A few more issues pending for a long time include :
A few more issues pending for a long time include :
- Uniform Face Value of Shares
- Shares with no F.V.
- Disclosure of end use of the funds raised by the Promoter by pledging his shares
- Disclosure of the rate at which the pledging was done ( ! )
- Derivatives trading settled in cash/delivery
- Simplification of IPO / Book Building Application Forms
- Application forms & prospectus in regional languages-both Equity as well as Mutual Funds
- Removing the upper ceiling in the price band of IPO/book building issues
- Enforcing a price band on listing day itself
- POA in regional languages
- Usage of a portion the income of SGF for IAPs
- Compulsory intimation of shares moved from the demat acount of a client by SMS/e-mail
Just a few samples; there are many more and the Satyam like issues slows us down sometimes.
While the earlier regime did a wonderful job at macro level, the present regime under the current leadership has brought a lot of changes at micro level, from the point of view of an average investor - paticularly the small investors. Even minor issue which were unresolved for a long period were looked into and appropriate solutions were suggested/implemented. The issues may be minor; but the effect on investor mindset is phenominal.
Can somebody add some more relevant issues to this list or comment on it ?